Thursday, October 28, 2010


12" x 18"

This is one of those that has a special place in my heart.
A few precious people in my life have been touched with the horrible diagnosis.... 
For some reason, I feel the need to whisper its presence. 
Maybe to take away from the facade that it hides behind.
Maybe to cushion the ride of the road ahead for that sweet person's walk.
or maybe because
it is no bigger than the God that formed us and
 it deserves very little energy.
That's why I purposely write it in small letters....
It will always be smaller than my GOD!!!

Two were done for 2 special people with that diagnosis.

I had no idea of her diagnosis.
Ms. Rosalie...
One Sunday, I went to church with Mom and Dad
and caught a quick glimpse of Ms. Rosalie
before the service started.  
my heart was being tugged by the Spirit to write a letter down...
I knew it wasn't a good letter for some reason 
but then a picture came to mind...

basically the one above..
of a cocoon and a butterfly.
So, a quick sketch with some words were scribbled down.

I had just convinced myself not to give her the paper in fear of being
labeled a loon; 

when she walked up to the alter to be prayed for...

still not giving it...

she lifted her arms...

still not giving it....

and revealed a shirt that I rarely see these days....

when she spread her arms
she looked like a butterfly!

That's when I threw in the towel
 and against the nature of my shyness...
handed the paper to Ms. Rosalie after the service.

She looked at me with big question marks in her eyes....
which probably matched my own
and asked
"Did someone tell you about me?"
"No..Tell me what?"
"The doctor just diagnosed me with cancer and I'm going in for surgery on Friday."

God is so good to send love messages to his children
to soften the blow of the enemy....
even if it comes in the form of a demure little sis
 just passing through on a Sunday morning.

We hugged and I knew that he wasn't quite finished loving on his little girl.

12 hours later,
2 paintings with the most beautiful words were birthed into existence.

The poem follows:


Who am I?
I am His
He is mine!

He has given me a golden thread
to wrap around His son
and dangle from the One above
as if I'm His only one.

For it is in this very season
that I feel His love
and know that I need no reason
to recieve His precious dove.

He has wrapped me in His words
of tender loving care
rocks me as the One
who knows my every living hair.

He is my One and only...
the Lover of my soul.
and keeps my eyes from venturing
into this deep and darkened hole.

He is with me every day
and protects me through the night.
And as I wait and wait and wait
I feel His Spirit hover
and find my new flesh sings
with Words that once were cover.

The cocoon was tightly wrapped in a special scripture just for her.
She said she hung this in her hospital room and rested in His words.
She is now completely free of cancer 
and spreading His word of greatness all around.
She is His butterfly!!!

I mentioned that 2 were done.
Selfishly thinking that the other would be for me 
since I had become so attached to the message....
but no.
My aunt was diagnosed shortly after and given 6 months to live.
The 2nd picture was given to her and now...
a few YEARS later,
sits happily in her home to remind her of how great He is.
She is also cancer free!!!!
There goes another one of His butterflies!!!

That's the God we serve.

Obviously, these are gone.
If you have someone going through something like this,
I would be honored to do one for them
in hopes of encouraging their spirit!

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