Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Guess what's growing in the garden?

I had to go back to my neck of the woods
to find the seed....

It's grown up to 6' tall and is falling over with blossoms...
Can you guess yet?

It has beautiful pink swirls of blossoms...
with full giant leaves to gather its food and light....

Do you know?

On the bottom,
the bulbs are beginning to break open their hard outer shells
 to reveal their 
hidden treasures.

Any ideas yet?

We're growing cotton.

Went all they way back to Arkansas for the cotton seed.
A fond memory of growing up surrounded by cotton fields.
So we planted some for fun.

Will harvest it this Fall 
and see what type of price we can get for it at the cotton gin.
maybe make a sweater for my hubby.
That ought to be interesting...
made out of duck tape and cotton balls

Can hardly wait to tell my kiddos...
"Now, get out there and pick that cotton!"
That way they'll have a cotton pickin story for their kids.

Isn't it beautiful!!!
White and woolly balls of fluff
all to protect a sweet little seed within.

This is what I imagine for my little chicks as they grow up 
in a prickly world.
that God protects them as they grow....
surrounding their hearts, minds, body and souls
with a lot of His fluff!!!

For the seed shall be prosperous; 
the vine shall give her fruit, 
and the ground shall give her increase, 
and the heavens shall give their dew; 
and I will cause the remnant of this people 
to possess all these things.
Zechariah 8:12

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed this!!