Saturday, October 16, 2010


24" x 6"

This was done on a piece of wood
 salvaged from my neighbors burn pile.
I love the jagged edges.... 
reminds me of some of my own unfinished edges.
 we have a camp in
Grand Cheneir, LA
and one of my favorite views 
is this one from the back porch 
of the Mermantau River.
It's so close
you can almost touch it!
Your eyes are filled with blue skies, marsh grass,
a hobo cloud or two
all coming together to sing one beautiful song to me...

"Oh Happy Day!"

I can just see Josephine
dancin' on the levee
singing along with her back up band!!!

A happy heart is good medicine 
and a cheerful mind works healing, 
but a broken spirit dries up the bones.
Proverbs 17:22

May all arthritis and brokenness 
be relieved with laughter and joyful thoughts.

I think I'm going to rent a good comedy today!!!

Any suggestions?

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