Wednesday, October 20, 2010



6"  x 8"

Josephine represents a woman walking in an unseen world and a woman I aspire to be. She is my Louisiana 'Blue Dog'...
Humbly devoted to her Master. 
Floating above a world filled with heckled hardships and twisted truths...
a colorful coat helps her to
see the beauty in a decaying world 
and the strength to walk through it by faith. 
May anyone who enters Josephine's world... 
discover the hidden treasures tucked simply within His creations.

Josephine is built upon the character of Joseph in the Bible.
He was a dreamer and walked in the security of his father's love.
Joseph's dreams prepared him for his future walk.
His father gave him a colorful coat to wear...
As a result, his life tailspinned into many years of hardships...
from sibling jealousy,
falsely accused,
separation from loved ones
but despite all
he overcame each trial
with overwhelming victory.

I chose a Southern African American woman
from a time period
 when slavery was prominent in Louisiana 
to cheer me on....
Joseph's little sis
She too has gone through similar hardships as Joseph encountered.
But because of the coat of many colors,
(the covering of Jesus)
she is able to endure and press through
to a world of peace, hope and love.
All racial tensions gone
All rivalry released
All lies revealed
All bondage broken
All brokenness lifted
All people united
as One Nation
under god
with liberty and justice 
for ALL!

I pray that she leads us ALL to the promised land
where our Father in heaven
created us 
to BE...
and no more wondering in circles 
in the desert land.
May we rise above!!!

Genesis 37-50
The story of Joseph

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